About Us: local expertise & global reach!

For over 26 years, Sheryl has maintained a passion for delivering high, professional, standards to the Real Estate industry. As an award winning REALTOR® and Associate Broker along with her I.C.I. certificate/designation and rarely obtained, C.I.P.S. designation, Sheryl has the knowledge to evaluate and negotiate complex transactions and strives to ensure that our clients best interests are protected both today and in the future. Sheryl’s warmth and compassion shines through in her dealings with both clients and real estate associates. Her unwavering patience and acumen ensures that the best deal possible is always negotiated. This sets her apart from the crowd. Sheryl learned Feng Shui, from an Asian Grand Master and finds this tool invaluable in assisting clients prepare their property for marketing. When not using her talents to benefit others, you can find Sheryl boating on the West Coast or in local waters with her husband, Neil, and little dog, Clifford, often with fellow members of yacht clubs. Sheryl firmly believes that good things come naturally if one sets high, honest, standards. She adheres to the motto "the sky's the limit".

Alice believes in the basic goodness of people. And she naturally radiates warmth and charisma, drawing people towards her from many walks of life. Alice was fortunate to have had a privileged upbringing. High standards were demanded of her and she exemplifies the essence of the rewards of setting such standards. Alice consistently and resourcefully makes a difference to the lives of those around her in both in her professional and private life. She has a talent for getting to the heart of a matter and then following through. Often communicating, throughout the process, in multiple languages. For over 10 years, Alice was a successful, award-winning, REALTOR® and now supports our team as an unlicensed assistant where she takes great pride in helping others make their dreams come true.

Mark’s motto is “seconds count” meaning that today we are given 86,400 seconds in which to gain understanding, make a difference and reach for the stars. It’s this belief that inspires all aspects of his life and has guided him throughout his career. During his career, whether negotiating with multi-national organizations, learning the importance of cultural traditions or “thinking outside the box”, today as an award-winning REALTOR®, Mark’s strives for effective communication. A nurturer at heart, Mark is sincerely client focused, he enjoys learning our client’s needs and aspirations, recognizing opportunities while respecting the common ground and differences within negotiations. Mark's further designation as a Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE) effectively assists our clients in the "art of negotiation" to achieve their goals and aspirations.
Mark, enjoys architecture, design, travel and health and wellness. Mark's family and “family of friends” are his inspiration to make his #secondscount and whatever the day brings he is sure to wear a smile.

In 2023, our offices sold approximately 18% (6.3 billion) of ALL the dollar volume SOLD in the Lower Mainland. That's unmatched! That makes us #1